Tuesday, March 13, 2012


'Raymere', the Jacob Rothschild estate designed by Albert Gottlieb c. 1909 in Deal, New Jersey. Rothschild began his career in a millinery store but later became a developer in New York City and was proprietor of the Hotel Majestic (demolished). He died just two years after 'Raymere' was completed. The estate was later owned by William Durant, founder of General Motors Corporation. 'Raymere' was demolished c. 1950.

Click HERE to see 'Raymere' intact in a 1940 aerial. Photos from Architects & Builders Magazine, 1910.



The Down East Dilettante said...

So, it's a question I've pondered and asked before, and I still ponder and ask. I wonder why so many of the houses in the Deal/Elberon area were in this particularly tall boxy style. One sees it very rarely in the other summer resorts, and it was very prevalent here. What does one suppose the social, programmatic, and climactic and regional factors were?

Anonymous said...

The house is very boxy, but the box is a very well balanced shape to resist lateral forces, aka wind loads. New Jerseys low lying flat landscape is also susceptible too storm flooding so a raised first floor level is smart design. Boxy masonry construction with a flat roof weathers gale force winds and minimizes shingle loss and air borne wood shakes more so than multi-gable and dormer filled homes. Areas like the Hamptons, Newport, Bar Harbor, Marthas Vineyard, etc also have either high protective dunes, cliffs and/or rocky shorelines adding another protective barrier and tall trees also make great wind breaks. The immediate Jersey coast, at least as pictured here, was devoid of such features.

The Down East Dilettante said...


I agree that there's a great deal of handsomeness about this place

Anonymous said...

Yes...handsome. Now this is what I see in my mind's eye when I think Mansion!!